Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Plans for my home?

Recently, I found a book of house plans from the late-1950s or early-1960s. In it, I think I may have actually found my home. Although there are some minor details that differ, the overall house is identical. I found all of this very interesting. Who knows, it could very well be (and most likely is) just a coincidence. It's called the "Friendship" and is dated ca. 1961 (my house was built in 1958, but this seems close enough).

Here are some pictures:

What do you think?


Laurie Bridges said...

Oops, I'm so embarrassed! I just realized you weren't on my blogroll and I love your blog! You're doing a great job on the house. The color scheme will be phenomenal. Sorry about the carpenter aunts. :(

Mary-Frances said...

That is so cool! Neat to have plans! Any idea of resources for brick ranches? I'm trying to identify the style/builder of our house (it's at the top of our blog).

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