Our new patio is
finally done! The work started 2 weeks ago with tearing out the old patio, but came to a complete halt due to our 'lovely' June weather. I find it ironic that the day after the old patio was ripped out, the rain started pouring. And when I say pouring, I really mean it. It rained for two weeks straight! I really have the worst luck of any human being ever.
It doesn't end there. On top of all the rain, it was frigid outside...one day this week the high was only 47 degrees...Fahrenheit!!! It was so cold, it actually
snowed in parts of the region! What was that song...'sometimes the snow comes down in June...' well, that would be
this June.
Anyway, the weather finally started to come back to normal just yesterday, and our concrete contractor jumped at the chance to finish the job. It took them most of the day, but it looks soooo good. No more potholes! I have pictures, but not on my computer yet. I'll post them as soon as I get the chance.
I'm probably going to be MIA for the next couple of weeks as we have a new baby on the way...she's coming on Monday, and we're so excited!!! As a matter of fact, I never posted photos of her awesome retro-style nursery. We based the design on nursery photos from a 60s/70s magazine we found. The 'before' and 'after' pics are amazing...

Look at how much brighter it is! We don't have any artwork up yet, but we're continuing to look.